Tuesday, August 31, 2021

August 31, 2021

Show and Tell
She told us about her question cards she go from the Treasure Box.

Informational Text: What Makes a Family?
By Pam Munoz Ryan

ABC review concentrating on letter Kk

Sight word “I”

What rhymes?

Math: More and Fewer

Identify, count, and show “2”

Read and spell “two”

Your nose is a sense organ that helps you to smell.

Monday, August 30, 2021

 August 30, 2021

                                                                        Star of the Week

                                                     Religion: Families are a gift from God

Sight word “I”

                                                                     Sight word: “white”

                                                             Alphabet review: focus on Jj




                                                       Realistic Fiction: Building With Dad

                                                                      Math: Number “one”


                                                                             As Many As


                                                                  Science: Sense of Smell

Friday, August 27, 2021

  August 27, 2021                                               

                                                                First Show and Tell

Our First Trip to the Library
Place your book in a safe place and return it to school each Friday

                                We reviewed the alphabet and concentrated on letter "Ii" today.


This is the book series I have been using for each letter.

We sang and spelled our color words and learned all about "black".


We read "Fix It Duck" by Jez Alborough
We talked about characters and sequence of events.

We thanked God for our five senses and explored our sense of touch.


Sorting items we touched:


Thursday, August 26, 2021

 August 26, 2021

                                                             Her first Show and Tell today:

                                       We reviewed the alphabet and concentrated on letter Hh.

                                                            We sang and spelled “brown”.

Here is our Ch. 1 Review. The Ch. 1 Evaluation is tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

                                                                  Her first show and tell:

Senses help us learn of God’s world.

Alphabet review: We concentrated on letter Gg.

                                                        We read and sang color word "pink".



                                  Problem solving with sorting: Sort by color, shape, and size.

                                           We watched a short video about how our ears work.


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

 August 24, 2021

                                                   God Gives Us 5 Senses as sign of His Love

                                                    We sang and read color word “purple”.


Uppercase and Lowercase plus sounds

Monday, August 23, 2021


August 23, 2021

                                                               God Gives Us Five Senses

                                                              We sang and spelled "orange".

We reviewed the alphabet and found letter Ee.

sort by shape

Show and Tell

Thursday, August 19, 2021

                                                            First week of show and tell:

Aug. 19, 2021
God's love is Bigger Than the Sky: 

 Color words we have been learning: "red", "blue", "yellow", and "green"

We Read "The Little School Bus"
Name the characters and the order in which they boarded the bus.

We reviewed the alphabet: We are concentrating this week on Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd

Math: We are sorting by alike/same and same color

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

                                                     First Day of staggered Kindergarten

                                          We learned that Jesus wants to be our best friend!


Sing along with uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet

           Here are some stories we read. We discussed the feelings of the main characters in each story.

                                                                  Grover Goes To School

Froggy Goes to School

Sing a Subtraction Song

Move around and sing!

The Kissing Hand

Counting song

Friday March 7, 2025 Lent is Here! https://youtu.be/IhFhHQdkbhE?si=LFlNOsH0XZjJ-N_p https://youtu.be/aQy2FD8m9M4?si=Lt5LI4ilJtRr4bN6 https:/...