Thursday, October 29, 2020

                                                           Star of the Week: Nathan Chen

                                                                     Action words: verbs

Haunted Houses we made after reading “Ten Timid Ghosts”

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

                                                      Religion: Mary is the Greatest Saint     




                                                                       Sight word “and”


                                     S.T.R.E.A.M. RELATED STORY: TEN TIMID GHOSTS


Practice counting forward and backward on a number line.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

                                                Religion: Dia de los Muertos: Day of the Dead

                                                                         All Souls Day Is Nov. 2

                                             We read “Dia de los Muertos” by Hannah Eliot


                                                                     We made calaveras.                                                           

Here is our wall of remembrance for those who have passed away. 
It is not too late to send in a photo.

Blend with letter Mm

Sight word “and”

Word problems comparing more and fewer.


Monday, October 26, 2020

                                                    Our recent Star of the Week for all to see:

Savannah Carter

                                                                          Saints of God 


Pizza at Sally’s


                                 We talked about how Jeb Scarecrow was able to problem solve.
                                 We also made some scarecrow art.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

                                                       Religion: Jesus blesses the children


We read “How do Dinosaurs Go to School?”
Discuss importance of rules.

We reviewed Ss

Math: Recognize 9, count 9, read “nine”

God Bless America!

Monday, October 19, 2020

 Religion: Jesus invites the children to come to Him.


Read informational text : “Friends at School” 

We traced and wrote Aa in our new Readers Notebook.

Our sight words are “my”, “we”, and “like”.

Math: Recognize 8, write 8, count 8, and read “eight”.

Thursday, October 15, 2020


                                                         Read to your parents: Pat the Cat

                                                 Look for high frequency words: my, we, like


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

                                                                Animal Babies in Grasslands


                                                                    Read for the main idea.

                                               Vocabulary: grassland, pup, cub, calf, joey, foal

Recognize, write, and say /p/ sound.

                                           Math: recognize, write, and read six: “My Six Book”      

Jack Hartman: Six



Tuesday, October 13, 2020



Read aloud to hear /s/ sound and see letter “s” used to form words.


                                                                          Proper nouns 

Match and count objects up to 10

Pumpkins of difference colors and sizes

Monday, October 5, 2020

                                                           Religion: St. Francis is good!


Armadillo’s Orange

Letter Ss

Read, spell, use in sentence: is


Ordinal should 1st-5th

Pumpkins grow on vines.

Friday March 7, 2025 Lent is Here! https:/...