Wednesday, September 30, 2020

                                                Welcome October! It’s Fire Safety Month!         


                                                                     Guardian Angels                    


CVC words: consonant, vowel, consonant

High Frequency words: “have” and “is”

Math: compare numbers to tell greater than, less than, or equal

We love bats!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

                                Feast of the Archangels: St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael


Life In An Ocean

We read I Have! Look for “have” and “is”.

We wrote and read rhyming words: Change the first letter in “bat” to make new words that rhyme.

Silly bat facts Song to rhyme:

Greater than, less than, equal

Compare numbers: Which is the most popular flavor? Which was liked the least? 
                 Which is not the least favorite nor the most favorite?
                             Can you tell which number is great than, less than, or equal?

Monday, September 28, 2020

                                                  Star of the Week!       Victoria Cardona

Letter of the Week: Aa (short sound)

Write Aa

High Frequency: “have” and “is”

                                                       Math: greater than, less than, equal


Bats are flying mammals

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Happy birthday to Savannah Sept. 25

Any shape, size, color, or language: Bibles are Good!

B-I-B-L-E song

We read “Tam!”
It should have been in the folder. Practice reading.

We read this story. Then we sound spelled the toys and illustrated them. Have your child read to you.

Practice high frequency words: color words, number words 0-5, I , am, to, a, the, little, is, have

Johnny Appleseed Day is Sept. 26

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

 Happy first day of Fall/Autumn🍂


Update to our Baptism bulletin boardđź’¦

We spent a lot of time matching rhyming words today.

Apples from farm to table🍎

Monday, September 21, 2020

                               Religion: The Bible is the Word of God that teaches His love for us.


                                                     Story of the Week: Dig Dig Digging


Vocabulary and sight words

Letter Tt week

                                                       Initial sound of Tt and Writing Tt


                                                Math: match numerals to groups of objects


                                                             Apples grow in an orchard.


                                                                       Apple growing


Thursday, September 17, 2020

                                                                  Blend to spell CVC words

                                                We blended to spell CVC words with /m/ sound.


Rhyming words

Read this story by yourself!





Dot - to - dot tongue
Taste some things around the house:
Sweet: sugar, marshmallow, candy, cookie
Sour: dill pickle, sour straws, lemon
Salty: salt, pretzel, chip, saltine cracker
Bitter: bite into orange peel, cinnamon, coffee been
Spicy: pepper, green peppers, sirachi sauce, mustard

Read through the science book: Fun at the Fair
Answer the question sheet.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

         Thank God for giving the gift of five senses through which we can explore and enjoy His world.


Characters of a story:

Read/listen to “Julius” from previous blog post. Who are the characters in “Julius”?

See and hear /m/ at the beginning of words. Air write Mm. 

Color words

Math: counting number up to 5, writing numerals up to 5, read number words up to 5

                                                                       Sense of Smell


                                                                      Star of the week

Baptism is Good

  Sight words    


                                                                        Rhyming words          

                                   Skin is used to touch and feel textures and temperature of objects



Tuesday, September 15, 2020

                                                     Religion: God Gives us the Five Senses


Initial and ending /m/ sound and writing Mm
sight words

Story: Little Mouse

Rhyme some words

Math counting 0-5

Number words

                                          Eyes are the sense organ with which we are able to see.


Monday, September 14, 2020

                                                    We decorated baptismal gowns today.         

                         I will be placing their photos on the gown to display in the classroom.

                                                             Our story this week is Julius

                                                     Vocabulary words and chart for Julius:


Letter and sound of the week: Mm says /m/ as in “motorcycle”.
Words from our story My “m” Book

Write uppercase and lowercase Mm

Math: Problem solve with a map
We are counting the squares to tell the distance between each item.

Use your sidewalk: place toys on random squares of your sidewalk.
Count how many squares to get from one toy to the next toy.

                                                     Ears are the sense organ we use to hear.


Saturday, September 12, 2020

                                                                      Baptism of Jesus


Here are some stories your child should be able to read to you!

Some pics from P.E.

Friday March 7, 2025 Lent is Here! https:/...