Monday, June 29, 2020

religion: Saints from the U.S.A.

Tuesday: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

Math for chapter 13 Make and Break Apart numbers June 29-July 2(suggested)

Remember to make a ten frame and use anything for counters.

Tuesday: Break apart numbers 11, 12, 13
                                 Pages 479-482
Social Studies for June 30- July 4

Tuesday: Read aloud: America Is...

sing a long to America the Beautiful
Math for chapter 13 Make and Break Apart numbers June 29-July 2(suggested)

Remember to make a ten frame and use anything for counters.

Tuesday: Break apart numbers 11, 12, 13
                                 Pages 479-482

Wednesday: Break apart number 14, 15, 16
                      Pages 483-486

Thursday: Break apart 15 Pages 487-490 


Friday: Day off? For Fourth of July!


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Foods can help you to stay healthy.


Religion: Jesus’ healing miracles
                                                           Jesus heals a sick women
Language arts for Thursday: Blend sounds to read Gus and the Bug
                       What is the main idea?
                       What is the plot?

                  Blend sounds to read words page 38.

Math for Thursday: Performance assessment page 475
                 Read the story at the bottom of the page. 
                 Count to tell how many circles.
                 What number comes before? What number comes after?
                 Make a model of a teen number using ten frames.


                 Ch. 12 test/ fluency practice page 476
                 Read the directions at the bottom.
                Count to tell how many and order numbers

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Religion:       Jesus’ healing miracles                                    
                                                  Jesus heals the lame/paralyzed man

How to protect each other from germs:

Language arts for Wednesday: The Night Worker
                       Pages 37 and 39


Math for Wednesday: Chapter 12 review pages 473-474
                                      Read the directions at the bottom of the page and use models to solve 
                                      problems of how many, between, less than
Compare numbers:


Monday, June 22, 2020

Show some respect for others.

  When germs make you sick, stay home!                                         


Religion for Tuesday: The theme for Sunday June 21 was “Do not be afraid“.



 Language Arts for Tuesday: Sight words review


                                                  Do page 34( that, yellow, do, are)

                                                     Read/listen to The Night Worker 

Street sweeper: a vehicle that cleans the streets
Beacons: very bright lights
Construction: being built
Engineer: someone who designs buildings
Foreman: person in charge of the construction site
Hart hat: hat to be worn to protect the head in a construction zone

Math for Tuesday: Use a model to solve problems 471-472
                Read the directions at the bottom of the page to decide fewer or greater.
                 Fewer means “less than” <             11 is less than 13          or     11 < 13
                “Greater than” means more >      15 is greater than 12      or     15 > 12
                “Equal to” means same amount =  17 is equal to 17           or     17 = 17
                                                              Build numbers 11- 20    

Compare numbers





Sunday, June 21, 2020

Build The Church




Language Arts for Monday: Short vowels a, o, u 
                                                 Page 33


Math for Monday: Use a model to solve problems 467-470                 
                                Read the directions at the bottom of the page to compare less than, equal 
                                to, or greater than


Friday, June 19, 2020

What is new this summer? Let me know what is happening.
Send a vacation or staycation picture for us all to enjoy.

Arianna had her 6th birthday on June 17!
Beautiful in her dance costume! The recital got canceled:(

Here is Brian and Julia playing checkers on their homemade table.

Brian lost his first tooth!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Germs: Wash your hands

People are same and different

The Peace Book:  

            Sing along  
Friday Religion : The Solemnity of The Sacred Heart of Jesus

                                St. Margaret Marys devotion to The Sacred Heart of Jesus
                         Shorter version:
                         Longer version


Language arts for Friday: Blend to read Jim and Kim. Look/listen for medial short vowel 

                       Short vowel review:

Long vowels: The long vowels will say their names:              


                                                   Short vowel and Long vowel sort

Math for Friday: Order numbers up to 20. Write the numbers 11-20. Pages 463-466

Teen number review

Count and order numbers to 20

Jess hong

Stay healthy. Wash your hands.

Religion for Thursday: Corpus Christi


Language arts for Thursday: A telling sentence ends with a “period”. Page 30
                                                   Put the words in order to make a complete telling sentence.
                                                   Write your sentence neatly on the line.
                                                   Capitalize the first word in the sentence.
                                                   Put the appropriate end mark: a period.





Thursday: Identify the number 20. Count up to 20. Write the number 20. Pages 459-462

Count to 20

Write 10-20 use ten frames

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

All are Welcome

Health for Wednesday: Germs


Religion for Wednesday: Corpus Christi


Language arts for Wednesday: Reread/listen to Building Beavers

                      Page 29: Look at each row. Choose the word that tell the main idea.
                   Adjectives are words to describe a noun.
                   Can you find adjectives in out story?

Math for Wednesday: Identify the numbers 18 and 19. Count to 18 and 19. Write the numbers 18 and 19. Pages 455-458


                Count to 18


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

What makes people special?

I LIke Myself

Religion for Tuesday: The body and blood of Christ


Language arts for Tuesday: Discuss vocabulary and Listen to Building Beavers.


                                          What is the main idea? What is it mostly about?
                           Page 27: Circle the correct word that tell the main idea in each  picture.

                 Blend to read CVC words with short vowel sounds.

                 Page 28: Circle the correct word to name the object.
Math for Tuesday: count up to 16 and 17.  Pages 451-454

How to make teen numbers

  Count to 16                 

Count to 17.           

Monday, June 15, 2020

Friday March 7, 2025 Lent is Here! https:/...